
Build a Skills Inventory

Updated on August 24, 2016
Originally published on January 5, 2011

Job Search January Challenge #3

In your job search, you are basically a sales rep–you are selling yourself! You need to know your product and your selling points. Give employers a reason to hire you.

Would you hire you?

Often job-seekers dream of an employer to solve their problems, to provide steady income and benefits. But no matter how good a person you are nor how heavy your burden, you know that employers don’t hire people because they are nice.

Employers hire to solve a “problem” and they hire the person who brings the best skills to solve it.

What skills do you offer an employer?

Make a list of your skills and merits.

If this is hard for you, imagine which traits, skills, or accomplishments you would most appreciate if you were an employer. Ask someone for feedback. Review job descriptions in your industry. Revisit your annual job reviews to see what your employers have said. Read your job reference letters for reminders, too. These sources should get the ball rolling so you can start building a list of your hire-worthy skills.

Challenge #3: Build a Skills Inventory

It is critical for you to know which skills you offer a target employer, so that you can promote your product: You!

Know your selling points. You’ll need them for upcoming Job Search January Challenges! This task will be crucial to your presentation when you network, write your cover letter and resume, and prepare for your job interview.

Job Search January 21-Day Challenge #1

Back to Job Search January Challenge #2

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