Introducing Good Medicine Wednesday and my first live video (GULP)!
Hey there! I called on all my courage to create my first Facebook live video to celebrate a very important occasion! What’s the occasion? It’s Wednesday! It’s hump day, we’ve made it halfway through the week! From now on I plan to call it Good Medicine Wednesday. “GoodMedWed” for short. And you’re invited. https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.shryock/videos/10155810074700240/ Introducing Good Medicine Wednesday…
Home for the Holidays – A Short Survival Guide
I just love Thanksgiving. The coming together, the gratitude, the food, the tradition, the love. But even with all this goodness, holidays can be so hard. Nothing spoils a plump turkey like loneliness, overwhelm, or family sniping. Here’s a teensy little holiday survival guide to get you back on board the gravy train. If you’re…
Nature Therapy: Calling Your Wild
“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home. Wilderness is a necessity.” John Muir Recently, I shared about how PLAY helped to heal my chronic illness and can help restore high-performance, vitality, and creativity. It’s one of the ways we can change gears, refresh our minds and bodies, and…
Getting Un-stuck: 5 Minutes to Flow
You know how sometimes the thing to do with a stuck drawer is to gently set it back into its resting position? Even though all you want is to yank the dang thing out, grab what you need and run out the door? I just returned from a reunion retreat with my Master Coach class, and…
Between the devastation of hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Jose, monsoons in South Asia, earthquake in Mexico, wildfires in LA and what seems like the entire Western U.S. … you might be wondering about Montana and our beloved Glacier National Park. We’re donating and praying for our neighbors and I’m sorry to say we’ve been hit, too,…
Good Medicine – no spoonful of sugar needed
A Dose of Good Medicine Remember how six years ago I was too sick to work? How my doctor told me to do everything I could, and to do it soon, since I might not be physically able much longer? How I longed for the good old guiding days in Glacier National Park and dreamed of leading…
Resume: Show your STAR power
We at Rainmaker Resumes build resumes that showcase our clients’ STAR powers, and we want to share a couple of tips so you can do the same. Rainmaker’s Jennifer Shryock notes that a key element to getting an interview is a “compelling, engaging, believable resume.” One way to get there? Move beyond language that says you were “responsible for.”…
How to overcome overused resume buzzwords
Successful. Creative. Passionate. Notice anything about those words? For one thing, they appear on various lists of “overused resume words,” along with many others. Plenty of the same words pop up year after year, and here’s LinkedIn’s list published earlier this year – with a recommendation to “banish the buzzwords.” Another thing many if not most overused words have…
4 tips for millennials jumping into the workforce
A few weeks ago, the S.O. and I were at a dinner party with a handful of other people. We’re in our 40’s, but we were by far the youngest in the group. After a while, the conversation turned to “those millennials.” Sure enough, the culture clash between the Baby Boomers and Generation Y was on…
Early Bird Extension for Glacier Quest retreat!
I’m super excited to announce that I’m extending early bird registration for the Glacier Park medicine walk retreat! Through May 22nd, you can still save $250! Why, you ask? Two reasons. First, an AMAZING property called Dancing Spirit Ranch has become available for our first night’s stay. The original plan was to stay at a perfectly lovely hotel,…