Sneak peak: favorite holiday recipes
I can’t be alone when I admit one of the best parts about this season is the timeless holiday recipes, right? This time of year is filled with amazing confectionery skills of neighbors, friends, and family, and I think it is so much fun! I’m no kitchen goddess, so I’m filled with wonder at what my…
My favorite resources for grief and loss
Like many of you, I’ve lost a lot of loved ones in the last few years. I return to several resources, again and again, to explore grief and how to better process the feelings of loss that come with it. Everyday Magic One long standing go-to book to remind me that there are possibilities beyond…
Behind the scenes on my 2020 Planning
Planning for the next year is something I’ve avoided, resisted, tried in a variety of ways. Planning for 2020, after the last couple of years of tweaking, I’m finally finding a groove. As I lean in to the process, I can feel old patterns and frustrations wash away, to be replaced with clear vision, clean…
What you should do to land your next job
Are you or anyone you know hoping to land your next job – internally or externally – within the next 12 months? I hear this question almost every day. Where should I invest my time, money, or energy in order to land my next great job? The answer might surprise you: It’s less about job…
4 Simple Steps to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed
When people ask, “How are you doing?” you might answer the tried and true fine. But maybe you’re really thinking, “I’m so busy. There’s no way I can keep up with all the items on my to-do list, all the emails coming in. I’m tired. I have no idea how to stop feeling overwhelmed. ” If so, you’re…
Last 60 days of the decade.
There’s a lot of talk about town on the topic of finishing strong, going for it, ending the last 60 days of the year – nay, decade! – in an all-out sprint. Everyone seems to be saying, “Go! Go! Go!” I’ve said it, too. I find it really seductive. And exhausting. I want to finish…
Ch-ch-ch-changes. I’m retiring the Glacier Quest retreat!
I have decided to retire my beloved Glacier Quest medicine walk retreat. This will be the last, best Glacier Quest…if it happens at all. It’s up to you. I want to be transparent and make sure that those who are called to retreat with me know what’s happening and why. In that light, here are…
It took me 10 years to write this amazing Out of Office auto-responder
Thanks so much for reaching out. A wild thing just happened and I’m a little bit embarrassed it didn’t occur to me sooner. I just realized that this past winter my business hit the ten year mark! Cue the confetti! I celebrated by changing my website URL from rainmakerresume.com to jennifershryock.com – to better reflect my coaching practice in…
Happy Good Medicine Wednesday! I’ve enjoyed a day filled with so much goodness, connecting and reconnecting, that I’ve got a spontaneous special announcement! I started #goodmedwed the winter after my first amazing Glacier Quest retreat. I longed for the sense of connection, strength, and vitality I felt on retreat, so I started scheduling time each…
Whole New Season! 3 simple steps to make it even better.
Welcome to Spring, 2019! One of my friends begins each new month by posting on social media, “Whole new month! Whole new month!” I, too, love a fresh start. Why wait for the next whole new month when we’ve welcomed a whole new season?! Whole new season! And when better to start fresh than after…