
Job Search: Think Like a Doctor, Part 5

Updated on January 31, 2023
Originally published on May 7, 2010

“You get paid for what you cure.” Martin H. Fischer

Create opportunity
Understand employers’ needs
Remedy their problem
Employment offers!

Write a Prescription, the PIL. After the consultation, promptly write a post-interview letter (PIL) thanking your interviewers for their time and for the opportunity to meet with them. Take the initiative to further research any questions that stumped you. Articulate the pertinent issues that you determined from the interview and summarize your solutions for them. If there were things you neglected to say, write them here. Be prompt and concise, but thorough and, most of all, professional, like the doctor you are. If your PIL is the best medication for the employer’s pain, it might just be your prescription to a job offer!

Each of these steps is integral to your job search. Your ability to create opportunities, combined with your research, builds the foundation for the other steps. Your expertise must be demonstrated in your cover letter, resume, and interview. Each step along the way becomes more important than the last, because it is most recent in your future employer’s mind. So even if your interview isn’t perfect, the PIL is your ideal opportunity to improve on it.

And just as it is for a doctor, each step in the process, from becoming the expert to presenting your credentials, to your consultation, is approached with the ultimate purpose of serving others, of providing the right drug for their disease, the cure for your buddy’s cancer. The candidate who offers the best remedy wins! Cure your unemployment by curing your future employer’s problem. You’re hired!

Think Like a Doctor, Part 4

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