
Use Social Networks in Your Job Search

Updated on August 24, 2016
Originally published on January 17, 2011

Job Search January Challenge #11

One of the main components of your job search is to follow Job Boards. In addition to searching for job postings, utilize Social Networks to follow your industry, employers you would like to work with, and individuals and groups who are “talking” online about your industry. Social Networks offer you an opportunity to meet the movers and shakers of your industry without having to meet them in person.

Listen in to what’s happening online to learn the etiquette of each social network, then join in the conversation! You might just overhear news of an upcoming (but unadvertised) job opening, create a relationship that could earn you an important referral, or be discovered as an ideal candidate!

LinkedIn is a professional network. Create a profile and add your resume details, upload a photo, and utilize part or all of your 30-Second Elevator Speech in your Summary Paragraph. Be sure to make your profile visible to others and list what kinds of work you are seeking.  Here’s a link to LinkedIn’s  New User Starter Guide. Search out and join industry groups and join the conversation!

Here’s an article by The LinkedIn Personal Trainer about how Recruiters Use LinkedIn to Find Candidates!

Most of us know what Facebook is and more and more people and businesses are active on it. If you don’t have one, create a personal profile and start adding all your friends. Find businesses and businesses people who you’d like to work with and follow or ‘like’ them. Again, once you’re comfortable with the etiquette of the conversation, join in.

Facebook also offers an easy opportunity to network. Through status updates or notes, let people know what you are looking for and that you are available as a problem solver.

Here’s an article called 5 Ways to use Facebook for your Job Search by The Undercover Recruiter.

Again, use Twitter to follow recruiters, companies, and anyone involved in your industry to keep your finger on the pulse of what is happening.

Here is an article on how to set up your free Twitter account, use Twitter as a Job board, and begin building relationships and showcase your brand. Tweet Sheet: How to use Twitter for your Job Search

Challenge #11: Set Up Profiles and Use Social Networks in Your Job Search

If you are not already active with these Social Networks, set up free accounts with each of them. Start with LinkedIn and create your profile, construct your work history/resume, and upload a photo.

Look around on each site, get comfortable, then search out the companies and people you respect and would like to work for. Then join in the conversation.

Remember, once they discover you, they’ll probably do some checking of their own. Make sure what they find is presentable (you don’t want to be tagged on Facebook in a compromising photo) and displays your professional brand.

That should get you started!

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