
From seriously stressed to self trusting career visionary.

Updated on October 2, 2022
Originally published on February 3, 2021

from stressed to self trusting

Here’s a client story, not uncommon. Christy called me seriously stressed and burned out. Now she’s calm, clear, and magnetic. Her newfound self trust built a foundation for the self trusting career visionary she is today. Here’s her story.

Before: Seriously stressed.

Not so long ago Christy was:

  • overworked
  • in debt
  • exhausted
  • stuck in extreme overwork because of student loan debt
  • wanting to protect her adult children from debt and other problems
  • and genuinely trying to save the world. 

Whew, that’s a lot! No wonder she was seriously stressed!

Her identity was wrapped up in her intelligence and debt, not her calling or values. Christie is super smart and skilled, but she wasn’t enjoying much in her life. And although she was doing good and important work, she was far removed from her calling or a sense of living a life she loved. 

Too many fears circled in her mind, It was all work and little play, always problem solving – her own and other peoples – but never actually getting relief. 

She held a respected position, but one where she not only was on call overnight a lot, but in a work culture where lots of people had quit or retired, but hadn’t been replaced. So Christy was working the equivalent of two jobs, with irregular sleep, tons of responsibility, and again, stress. 

Oh, and to earn more money and credibility, she’d gone back to school later in her career and taken on more student debt. 

So, a few years ago, she called me.

Christie was in her early fifties. She felt stuck in a stress hamster-wheel because of debt, but too exhausted to continue. She wanted to retire from the rat-race, recover from decades of exhaustion, overwork, and super responsibility, and hang up her own shingle to support a whole new, sustainable and joy-filled way of living and working. 

Christy wanted help and I was all in to give it. But before we got to work together, she experienced another round of financial stress and went back to her former job. I didn’t hear from her for a couple of years. 

And then, last year, she got back in touch, ready, this time, to receive some support, make real change, and work toward the vision she’d imagined years before. 

Now: Self-trusting career visionary.

In just 9 sessions, so far, Christy’s unraveling the thoughts and patterns that created and kept her on the hamster-wheel over overwork, fear, and stress. 

She established new practices to support her nervous system, relieve stress, and experience more presence. 

She stopped taking on more debt and responsibility in her effort to save others from the kind of strain she’s experienced. To her surprise, those folks enjoyed stepping in to their own challenges and don’t want Christy to take on too much. 

She learned to slow down, enjoy daily moments, like walking her dogs by the river, something she didn’t feel she had time for, before. 

She’s wise, clear, calm, and powerful. 

Christy feels called and is following her call.

And here’s the important thing:

She did all this without changing her work circumstances. 

She thought she’d need a full stop in order to get relief. To win the lottery and pay off debt, to get out of her toxic work environment and unsustainable schedule. 

While we’ve worked together, she made all of these shifts without changing any of her work circumstances. She even faced added worked challenges due to COVID precautions!

She’s about to make external shifts, like resigning from the on call work. She plans to resign and hang her own shingle. We’re about to begin the juicy work of making her career vision reality. 

But all her self-trust and clarity? Her calm presence? Her daily joy? All the things she thought she couldn’t have until she left her job? 

She created it all without changing her circumstances. In fact, she’ll be so much more successful at creating her new circumstances having made these shifts first. 

From seriously stressed to self trusting career visionary.

Thank you for sharing this story of challenging the belief that everything outside needs to change in order to find relief. Because, often, it’s the internal changes that change everything. So much can shift in a relatively short amount of time. 

Got your own version of a stress hamster wheel? Yearn for the self-trust that leads to powerful creation? You, too, can go from seriously stressed to self-trusting visionary.

If you are on a hamster-wheel of stress and fear and want off, let’s chat. jennifershryock.com/discoverycall

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