
When things fall apart

Updated on March 14, 2023
Originally published on April 15, 2020

Best laid plans. Pandemic. Mass unemployment. The looming worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. You don’t need me to list the ways things fall apart.

No matter how carefully a project is planned, something may still go wrong with it. No matter how much you protest you’re okay, you may still fall ill. And no matter how much you hold it all together — without breaking a sweat (at least not visibly) – things may, indeed, fall apart.

I wish they wouldn’t.

I hope you and your loved ones are okay – safe and sound, secure, and healthy – with all my heart.

There’s no point in pretending everything’s normal. It’s not. I’ve lost sleep, worried about loved ones, been sick, and heard from scores of you who have lost your jobs. Maybe you have, too.

Things are changing fast.

But what if it’s not all bad news?

Those who’ve wanted to start your own business, transition your career, spend more time with your spouse and children, reconnect to your inner wisdom might actually have the time, energy, clarity (maybe even motivation) to do so.

Letting your “wrong life” fall apart.

May I ask you a question?

What would you STOP doing if you were brave (or if the world intervened and stopped it for you)?
What would you START?

How about another: What if you saw this as an opportunity to reflect and realign your vision for your work and your life?

What if you never chose to go back to how things used to be?

What if you could create a more connected, aligned, inspired, intentional career and life from the ashes of this crisis?

Some say that when you’re ready to go to a new level, things in your old world fall apart. Here’s hoping that this falling apart leads to something beautiful falling together.

things fall apart
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